The Grow Show: Business Growth Stories from the Frontlines
The Grow Show: Business Growth Stories from the Frontlines
How To Hack The Side Hustle Trend
These days, it seems like everybody has a side hustle. It's the new way of life. As an employer, it can be worrisome to think your team members are taking on this additional work on top of their regular duties. Why not help create a side hustle for them that benefits your business?
In this episode, we highlight the benefits of creating a side hustle for your employees. Incentivizing things like employee or client referrals can help meet the needs of your team and your business.
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All these years blood, sweat and tears, I'm still here nothing could stop me. Welcome back to the gross show. I think a lot of times people tune in and they're like, you know, these guys aren't great podcasters Why the hell should we listen to him and the only thing that we're doing is actually applying all of the things that we're talking about in our episodes to our business. And I just wanted to celebrate, I think it's worth celebrating. We just grew by $300,000 in monthly reoccurring revenue in one month, using crazy using the things that we're talking about in these episodes. So congratulations, guys. Congratulations. Congratulations, Scott, Scott, little triangle of congratulations. The key to that though, is we're using the stuff from these that we are sharing everything we are doing with you all. And we have amazing partners that have been very loyal. And they've stuck, you know, stuck with us. So thank you to our very, very, very important customers. And then we couldn't do it without an amazing team, we have the best, we have the best in the world working here at abstract. So worth noting just as another little trigger to why to implement some of these things in your business. I know that if you are listening, you're probably listening because you want to grow and these things they're working. Alright. What do we got on LinkedIn today, Jeff? The sheriff of LinkedIn, ie me, has once again spent the week doing what you don't want to do, which is patrolling the pastures of LinkedIn separating truth from ties, lies. I really serve two roles on this podcast. One is is the sheriff and LinkedIn is the other I do the tales from sales. And in this particular moment, I have come I have combined the two some Oh, because there's great sales content on LinkedIn. And I think this is hyper tactical and something you can use. This comes from Kristin Connor, in 2018 and learned a single phrase that will speed up a deal. Deal, urgency. It's been crucial in everything I've closed since Here's the phrase, I want to match your urgency. This works for alignment for forecasting and for getting an ghosted. That's from Kristen Connor. I have unbeknownst to Kristen and I did not know this. I have been I've been using this phrase. I think this is a hard truth. It's so easy to want to drive urgency in a deal for you your reasons. And it's really hard to get drive urgency to get urgency for prospect reasons. When you say hey, look, I want to match your urgency here. It automatically draws out timeline. It's just a great way. It's a great, it's a great for you as opposed to a for me, Kristen, very tactical interesting phrase. I think it's truth. I like that phrase. I've never heard that. I think it's true. I love it. I love that way as a way to get timeline. Yeah, you just taught me something. I've never heard that or used it either. I'm embarrassed to say that. But you like it. I love it. I like it. Good job, Kristen. Yeah, I want to match your urgency on this. What talk to me about timing from your perspective. Ooh, just like has it? Yeah. Has a camaraderie feel to it. Yeah, I feel like that's in line with the 123 something that that people should just use all the time period. I really like it. Sounds like we should load that one up into Gong. Yep. Future sponsor, future sponsor and gone. Deep on gone for another episode. Hot take. This is another truth. I'm not sure this is that hard of a take, but it's a good deck. High touch is less than symbol strategic touch. Having regular quarterly business review, communication and touchpoints with your customers don't mean they won't churn or leave. Unless you're providing true value in every conversation that impacts both their goals with your tool or service. You're simply annoying and taking away valuable time. I really like this for customer conversations. were too busy. Like I think of myself as a customer. I don't want to get on a phone with an account manager just to like review stuff I could review anyways. bring value to those conversations arrogant and Scott, you guys have pioneered this. You probably believe this more as much as more than anybody Sure. bring value to those conversations. Don't just have an account manager touch base. I really I thought this was really tactical and good. Yeah, I'll never forget where we switched from doing weekly meetings with call clients to one monthly results meeting. And essentially what we just did is made sure we really prepared for that meeting. And it was the best use of everybody's time. And it just really changed. You know, our clients love just having the one meeting that they knew that they'd have every single month, you didn't overwhelm them, you didn't get on the call and try to figure out what to talk about for 30 minutes. I mean, it was a, it was a big switch. And I think it goes right along with this, like, in this day and age people don't have time. And information is that everybody's fingertips. So how are you going to take that information and make it valuable? For your partner? I think that's a big deal. Our current tenure went up, Brent. Yep. Good stuff. Good stuff, Jeff. Two for two to four to produce this lie are gonna be how bad is. I think I'm gonna agree with this lie. And I don't even know what you're about to say. Okay. Eric thinks he's going to call the lie of truth. Another overlap with my tales from sales. I just had to sack I'm not going to put this off. Harsh this harsh truth. It's not. That's what they said. You're most hyper variance sellers are limiting your organization's growth. This is counterintuitive, but a fact all caps fact it's not. It's called. And it isn't the expertise paradox. And it's scientifically proven. What does is the expertise paradox, that's not me. That's the typing. It's simple and debilitating. AS SELLERS become more experienced and skilled and selling over time, their performance declines instead of improves why it has an explanation. And that explanation doesn't matter. Because that is a lie. That is a lie. You in so many organizations you're most experienced here, for example, I mean, the experience on the sales team is second to none. Our most experienced seller, I believe, is chronically the salesperson of the year. If your goal is to find less experienced sellers and think you're going to come up with great results, because you've beaten the paradox of expertise. Your cruisin for a bruisin. That is a lie. I agree with that. Eric, go ahead. Tell me tell me you agree that I don't agree with that. I think it's a lie as well. But I will say there is something about a new seller, that blind optimism going into it that I think a lot of times like being ignorant to certain things can actually play to your benefit. Right? There is a like you have a couple of bad pitches in this industry. And I'm never going to close a deal in that industry. So there's there's truth to what they're saying there. But ultimately, our experience reps are our best sales reps. So does it make sense? Scott, you want Eric's team of new reps or my team of experienced reps because Eric sounds like he wants Well, it depends. I guess if I'm leading my thing I know the answer to that. No, I just want to I just want to erase all past pitch notes in Salesforce. And keep the tenured salespeople. Eric's right though people start worrying, overthinking an industry or somebody that maybe has been talked to before and in their results can slide a little bit even as a really good person. So a newbie always gets that one. Lucky. Yeah. I wouldn't want a whole team full of them. That's for sure. Okay, we're gonna head over to the 50 for 50. Jeff, thank you for catching the liars. Good job, Jeff. Thanks for celebrating the truth. Because there is a lot of it. There's a lot of good on LinkedIn. If you're a liar on LinkedIn, Jeff's coming for you, we're gonna find you. 50 for 50 another another nugget in my mind. You heard of the side hustle, the side hustle. Everybody wants a side hustle. Right? Now that you could find a lot of content on LinkedIn about gotta have frickin everybody's got to have a side hustle, right? Everybody's got to have five streams of income or you're not in a good spot. That's that would be a lie, in my opinion, but side hustles can get in the way of your day job. And then all of a sudden, you're not doing a great job with a side hustle. And you're not doing a great job with the day job. And then you're in a worse spot. I have found that people that are focused on what they're doing during the day and and dedicated to becoming better at that end up making more than the person that has a side hustle two or three. But here's why I'm bringing up the side hustle. Do you have one since people are interested in the side hustle anyway, create a side hustle. And what I mean by that is set up a way that your team can make money on things that they don't typically do during the day, but are tied to the success of your business, like paying them a lot for finding good people to come work at your organization, like giving a good prospect to the sales team for your product or service, have them keep their eyes out for new potential customers, and new potential workers, put a plan together, make it substantial, and have them help grow your staff and grow your client base, set it up, put some marketing behind that, put your side hustle together that is aligned with your business. And then people will be able to make extra money and still stay focused on their day job and still help the organization that they're spending most of their waking hours working for or with an example here is if you provide a referral, and they come to work here at abstract, you'd get I'm gonna get maybe the split wrong, but 500 when they show up, and like 590 days later, whatever the split as you do get $1,000 You know, for providing a referral of somebody that comes and works here. So if somebody remains dedicated to keeping their eyes open, maybe they're staying connected with their college, maybe they're really paying attention when they're out to eat. You know, can they find somebody once a quarter to work here? Probably, you know, their parents, do their parents know, people that own businesses or work at other businesses, can they find good prospects for us, that we can eventually end up selling one of our services to probably like, I just find that if you put a good side hustle together, and then you figure out how to get people moving in the direction of working your side hustle that they could make more money and it would benefit your organization? What do you guys think? Well, as you're talking, I was thinking about, I was a referral. And then I have a team of seven direct reports. And I think five of them were employee referrals. So five of our EVPs on our operational side of our business, including myself, I just think, I don't know, I don't know if I ever would have heard about App check. If I wasn't referred at that point in time, obviously now bigger brand bigger name. I think it's an incredible way to a you spend a lot of money to go out and get new talent anyway. Why not have a win, win, and use that money to pay your employees more money, and get them more invested by having people that they like, and think can add to the culture, I think it's an awesome thing that maybe a lot of people are overlooking. We continue to try to get better at this. But we've got 550 feet on the street, if you will, that can help us identify good talent, and also can help identify good prospects for to become new clients. You know, we're reading this as a as an organization, we've we've read this Nick Saban book on leadership, and there's a part in that book where he walks into his coaches, and he says, anybody see any dinosaurs on the way into work? And they're like, What are you talking about? Coach? Because Does anybody see any dinosaurs on the way into work? Everybody's like, no, and he goes around, no, no, no dinosaurs. You know why? Because they're extinct because they fail to adapt, and we are not going to fail to adapt. And I thought that was an amazing nine and a funny way to say it, and that's some people want a side hustle. Like it don't like it. Side Hustle is a thing in our culture, and it's not going away. So this is a fun way that you can adapt your business. For people that want a side hustle, you can give it to him to everyone's benefit. Some people want a side hustle because it's their passion. It's they love it. Fine, but a lot of people and I venture to guess the vast majority want to make more money. So if you can adapt, have your own side hustle inside your organization, help your team members make a little more money. It's a it's a fun, it's a fun thing to do. And it's it's adapting like you're not it's a highly recommend a lot of times a lot easier for the team member to go out and do this side hustle versus creating something from scratch. That takes so much attention. Yeah, so but you have to you have to pay handsomely. Yeah. It's gotta be worth it's gotta be worthwhile if they bring a customer in or if they bring new worker in. or maybe you're going to decide to put a program together where if they come up with ideas and you use the idea for the business, maybe you would pay people, whatever it is that you decide to line out. If you do this, you make this over and above your current job. I do that as soon as soon as possible. Guys Agree. Agree? Sure do. All right. Eric, we're trying to create a pile of leads, trying to have some growth gold, gross gold, would you find today, what are we chatting about? Today, I'm going to talk about the gold of all gold, the Gold is gold of all, you're talking about employee referrals. I'm talking about client referrals or sales from your current client base. And, you know, we often I think you overlook this as a business that sometimes you're sitting on the most gold of all, which is your current client base, which they came to you because they had a problem that they wanted to solve, you are in the process of solving that. But you could either enhance the way you're solving that problem or solve their problem even quicker. So what I'm talking about specifically is finding opportunity within your current client base. Why is this so good? Well, a one, it's already a client, you're already working with them, you have economies of scale, in the service that you're delivering to that client, to it your cheapest cost of acquisition, you know, we spend a lot of money going out and finding new customers between sales enablement, marketing, digital, etc, to be able to get that lead, and then sales commission. And getting revenue from your customers is one of the cheaper ACH cost of acquisitions. And I think a mistake that companies make is, instead of passing some of that savings back to your clients, they just take it for themselves. And, you know, try to take upsells as they come up organically from clients. And so what we're going to talk about today is what we call our three P program, our preferred partnership program. And what we do because the cost of acquisition of these customers of our current customers is obviously less than going and getting a new customer is we actually pass that savings on to our clients. So we have this program, we call it three P's, it's kind of this internal branding of how we do it, but every account manager can sell one of these programs a month only one because as a business, the price point that we're able to do it at, it really doesn't make sense for us to sell infinite amount of them. But at this price, we're willing to do one per month. And it's as much a value add to the customer as it is a way for us to earn more revenue and earn business. It's kind of a win win for both parties. But it's been great. The one a month creates urgency for our people to make sure that they're incentivizing, you know, to grow these partners, programs, and then you know, for our for our partners, they're able to add to their service for a significant decrease in cost of what they're doing from their first program. So that definition of success that they were trying to achieve, it allows us to expedite that. So I would say the biggest thing overall out there, yes, you're probably upselling and expanding with your current clients. But do you have a branded program that you're using that creates urgency, to push that every single month? And to have that be a significant part of your growth as a business? I love it, you know, what side benefit is this price that we have for somebody to add to their services so affordable. That if you are asking what you feel like, is a super happy customer, if they want to add to their service for that price point. If they say no, I think it's a great way to weed out whether or not they're actually that happy. Yeah, you got you probably got some problems. Now that's not to say that maybe I just have this amount of budget. This is just what I'm spending. I do love you guys. But I think that that's just a side benefit that I'm sitting here thinking about it, it's a great way to find out whether or not somebody actually is as happy as the account manager saying that they are I completely agree with that. I want to go to the the measurement angle of this because I think this could be an unlock for a lot of our listeners. Everyone measures new revenue in the door. I'm sure the vast majority if not everybody is measuring revenue out the door. I wonder though, are you measuring current client increases in revenue as new revenue? Or are you measuring it as a reversal of the revenue you lost? Meaning you could have a current client who instead of 0% or 100% those are the two options for how much they spent last year could be at 110% or 120%. And measuring that quote unquote churn in that way, could be a huge unlock for your account management team. Your weather, maybe some people are doing inside sales for this, don't give that the new revenue, don't make that new revenue. It's not that's just offsetting lost revenue. And that does a number of different things. But I think the most important, we probably do an episode on it. But the most important thing it does is it brings focus. And it gives, whether it be the account management team, or whomever, the ability to control some of their loss, because right now, you lose or you don't. But if I can upsell or cross sell, I can reverse some of my lost revenue or customer loss gives them a little more control, I love that we've implemented it, I think you can make a really powerful, I can have a really powerful impact on your less arguments between sales operations and account management to Right. Like a lot of times as an account manager, you've got a book that you didn't sell you were handed to them, keep them on board. And sometimes they're like, oh, maybe we shouldn't have sold this one, they lose it. And this is a way that you can control your destiny from a Pay Plan perspective by going out and adding to somebody's service to get to a certain, you know, revenue retention number. I think people just aren't leveraging or focusing on this enough, like you work so hard to make your customers happy, and to deliver a good service. And you may think, like, oh, I don't want to ask for more money, or I don't. They may want to like you ever. You're at a restaurant. And it's like, Hey, you could have this steak, but I actually have this upgrade. You know, it's 20 bucks more, but it's this this? Oh, hell yeah, I want that upgrade. Whereas in now I have an even better experience. Right. I just think that's a huge part of it. You're getting the truffle butter. That's what that yeah, I'm getting the truffle butter. We got some special butter. Yeah. Little bit of the house steak sauce. Little, you know. Not a cheap date over there. Not a cheap date. It's good. I like it. What do we got next? Well, Scott, I mean, once you got all those leads, you can just let them even if they're referrals, you still gotta say, Oh, yes, sell them, right. No sales, no business, no sales, no business, no problem. No sales, no sales, no business. So to all of our great sellers and sales leaders out there. We know this. You're asking questions throughout the sales presentation throughout the sales call, you're going to have questions. But all too often, those questions feel forced. They feel ping pong II, they feel like they are to your benefit. Hey, Mr. Mrs. prospect, can you tell me this? They answer and then you ask another question. And then you ask another question, then you ask them and then you get in the slides, then you ask the question, then you ask questions. And it just feels really like it lacks rhythm like it lacks actual mammalian conversational techniques like your alien, mammalian, I'm going to help you Okay. When you're asking questions, I've got three tips for you that you can put into play. I wonder if that was from Ledoux, or Miami or probably both mammalian? When I'm asking a question in real life, you know what I am? I am actually curious. And do you know how you know that? I am curious? Because I have the tone of a curious person. There's a way to ask a question where it's Hey, Scott, where'd you go to dinner last night? Versus? I'm checking a box. Scott, where'd you go dinner last night? How was it? Who was there? How long did it take? How much wasn't? That is not a conversation that has me checking boxes? Monitor your tone, be curious. And if you find yourself asking too many questions, here's a tip. Say, just out of curiosity, when you're asking a slightly more difficult question, say, just out of curiosity, preface your question? With a just out of curiosity. Tip one. Be curious, in general, when you're asking questions. Tip two, if you've asked a few questions in a row, or you have a slightly more difficult question, maybe say just out of curiosity. And then here's the third, we all have questions in our minds, with prospects who are sort of on the edge that feel like they're a little combative, that feel like they might be I don't know, if I want to ask this particular question. It's, it might be a little too much it might upset the prospect. So you know what you might do in the circumstance? And I say this. Hey, can I be super direct and honest without offending you here? I have a question. Yes, the answer is always yes. No, I don't want you to be super direct and honest, I would never want anything super. And then you can ask whatever the hell you want. But those are three tips that I would put in play as a salesperson or a sales leader. Number one, when you're asking questions, be curious. Number two, if you've asked a funeral, or even moderately more difficult questions, say, just out of curiosity, and then last, if you have a really difficult question that you want to ask and challenge somebody but you think it might be combative. I just asked permission to do it in a subtle way. Jeff, would you mind if I ask you a question? Like that? That was so nice. Actually have one? No i. So what I'm wondering is if you think that it would be okay, to get permission to ask questions. So I guess what I'm saying is in the front, I would tell somebody that the whole goal here is to determine whether or not we have a fit together, right. And in order to do that, you know, throughout the next 45 minutes, I'm going to have some questions about your business, where you're doing now things like that, would it would that be okay, for me to ask some questions along the way, just to make sure that when we get to the end, that I'm not trying to shove something down your throat, that might not even be a fit for you guys? What do you think of that approach? I love that, but the way you said it is the best part, just like tone, yeah, that you're actually believing that that's what they want to do. Like you're actually asking a question, that sounds like you really want the answer, as opposed to a sales tactic of, here's, here's how that goes wrong. Scott, I'm going to ask you some questions. Throughout this presentation. I'm gonna have some questions. And I need you to answer them. Because, you know, and like you're going that way. Not that that's like the worst thing in the world is probably better than not saying it. But it just doesn't feel as authentic and genuine. And like you're raised at that point, you're raising people's antennae on salesmanship, or salesperson ship. That's what you don't want. Like, the way Scott asked that question. I'm not thinking Scott's trying to sell me I'm thinking like, hey, he wants to level with me like a human. Not, I'm going to ask, Hey, here's what I'm saying. Now, I'm saying in a tone that I'm going to ask you some questions so that I can figure out if I can shove my shit into whatever problem you have. A lot of marketing that I get pisses me off. And it's because somebody right out of the gate is saying, we can grow your business by 25%. Or I know we can make your sales process more effective, or they're just telling us that. And there's nothing worse than us getting particular messages where we do that for a living, but then all of a sudden, somebody on the outsides just convinced that they can help us grow more. But if they switched their approach, and you know, it was more about, hey, I know that you are a growth organization you guys like to, to grow so your people can grow. And I think that I have something that might make it a little bit easier. But I don't know that until we get together talk and I am able to ask you a few questions. Would would you be open to that? Right? You know, I think the key here is, you need to have the same pitch every single time. Not that you can't tailor it in certain situations and dive deeper in certain questions. But the issue why people don't do these three steps, in my opinion, is because they're thinking about what they have to say next. They're in their own head versus being in the prospects head. And if you're not, if you're not thinking about because you haven't memorized you know, exactly the path that conversation is gonna go, then you can be curious, you can listen to their answers with intent. You can say, and then, you know, if you're doing that, then these thoughts come up of like, wait, they don't sound really interested right now. And then bring it out. But I love number two, like it makes it easy. Or number three, can I be direct? I'm just feeling like, you're not really interested in this. That will spark a great conversation that'll either lead to a no and you can get him out of the process. or Yes, yeah. Can I be super direct? And like, they're always gonna say, yes. I'm gonna shout out ryan newman. The great Ryan Oh, yeah, great. And it's funny why I'm gonna shut him out. But it goes, shout him out. And it goes along with what you're saying. I plugged my phone in Apple play came up. And I don't know how I mean, I have some recorded sales pitches, and I thought it was going to pop up and go to the music I had selected, but it went to a ryan newman sales pitch yesterday, late yesterday morning, and I'm driving. I'm like, You know what, I'm gonna listen. He, by the way, has a really high close rate. He's been selling for a long time. And he brings a ton of value to our organization. But he's curious. He's curious. He just oh, can I ask you this? I'm just asking questions. And listening to right. That's great, which is also something you've said. Gotta be willing to listen not talk next, but that's a good one. Thank you. Thank you. Good. Thank you job Jeff. Which leads us Oh, to to do or not to do that is the question. So I'm gonna throw throw it out there. And Jeff I don't I know you don't love Bloody Marys, but you're gonna have to participate. Let's say you did. I'm gonna give you guys an ingredient that would be added in and you gotta tell me if you're for it or against it. So in the Bloody Mary first thing bacon love bacon. Yes. Yeah again hard I don't like tomato juice. But yes bacon on Yes. Better go was things ng my friend xinguangzheng No replacement. Zing Zang sings ng is Bloody Mary mix. No tomato juice is it tastes like absolutely not no tomato juice. Then you don't have to be so good at mixing all the I and everyone are pro bacon any other cured meats that you have on there. Just mark mark you as Yes. All right. Second thing shrimp. Hard No. Hard No, there's a lot of shrimp. I did a Google image of Bloody Marys there was 20 images lot of shrimp in there. Yeah, I'm not drinking. Thanks. So yeah, I'm loving shrimp. You like shrimp? Of course and everything. Okay. Donut. Donuts it's a new thing doughnuts in the Bloody Mary not dipped in but like sitting on top of the thing. What kind of doughnut? Glazed doughnut is the standard glazed donut? No. I love donuts but I'm not going to mix my that's just it sounds like a horrible mix. Why? Cuz donuts with like, tomato like xinguangzheng to add on he's awesome like layups to me yeah, thank you go into the whole reason that you're answering this is because you're not touching the drink. So you want some deep because you're not drinking the drink? Yeah, I just I just think Don't ya don't I give me a doughnut and a shrimp. I love all these things. Items to ask if you would eat them what's next? Give me the next one. I've been feeling good about the hot dog last one is a lot of different types of fried foods. Oh there is fried chicken it was fried. There's like toasted ravioli there was also you put put on the little stick that it may touch a little bloody mary like it may not stay dry. Actually see a couple of toasted grabs when you say toothpick. Jeff first of all I hear the international audience googling toasted ravioli? That's a St Louis thing by accident. Yeah fried food of course fried food bake food whatever it is. Why would you not want I hate to out why would you not want to give you guys another $9 word on this episode, but whatever the accoutrement is you should put a chicken wings a little chicken wings should put a chicken wing I think I like that little fried chicken Jeff What do you think about chicken me trying to think what I don't Yeah, what are you dialing top to top so that's pretty much no dirt everything other than door I gotta have worse to share sauce. Oh, and I've made it and the only mix it in the bloody mess. And the only thing that the salary is good for is to put the toothpick into the salary I could care less about sour stirred up and to stir it up and stir it up. So it's probably necessary for those reasons Yeah, I'd really don't want a carrot the pickle I could take or leave the olive some just love outs. Love the bacon. I don't know if we want no horse no horse radish like the I just feel like the Mimosa has the Bloody Mary crushed you know like I feel like the race is over and why would I drink a Bloody Mary when I could have a mimosa like the Mimosa is that's on the top of the of the pyramid of breakfast drinks is the Mimosa it's not the bloody bloody Bloody Marys Come on No coming in assisted second do you think it's alive for those are different categories? Yeah different categories different things or alcoholic breakfast drinks there's one category and there's to start with a Bloody Mary and then you go to mum and I get this a salad basin and I think people love I think people listening also drink Bloody Marys and a lot of times a lot of times like when you've never had a Bloody Mary in the afternoon know what because you don't like it so you like going to dinner and Italian restaurants get you know what really wet my whistle a Bloody Mary Oh, eight o'clock and I have a mimosa that. Yeah, I'm going to I'm going to the hill at eight o'clock at night and said I'd really love a mimosa with my pasta. I feel like this is this is one we could talk about for quite some time. You know what I would like to see? We're going to put our posts out there. As always, we'd love to have your engagement about the topics that we've discussed. But you know what we really want I hear about we'll share a lasagna recipe with you. But you know what you have to do. You got to share yours. Yeah, that's right. You've got to share your lasagna recipes and your bloody mary recipes in our social posts. Look for him. I'm going to do a poll. Mimosas are bloody marys. I think Bloody Marys wins by landslide no chance. I think that's that'll be interesting. I don't like Bloody Mary by see every bloody Mary Leakey around. Yeah. All right. Good topics. As always, please share, like subscribe, follow, comment, interact. We want to be helpful. Be kind grow. Congrats. Let's grow let's grow. Let's grow. The grow show was sponsored by abstract cloud solutions, certified Salesforce consulting services.